Firewire (IEEE 1394) driver Interface Guide — The Linux Kernel documentation (2024)

Introduction and Overview

The Linux FireWire subsystem adds some interfaces into the Linux system to

use/maintain+any resource on IEEE 1394 bus.

The main purpose of these interfaces is to access address space on each nodeon IEEE 1394 bus by ISO/IEC 13213 (IEEE 1212) procedure, and to controlisochronous resources on the bus by IEEE 1394 procedure.

Two types of interfaces are added, according to consumers of the interface. Aset of userspace interfaces is available via firewire character devices. A setof kernel interfaces is available via exported symbols in firewire-core module.

Firewire char device data structures

What: /dev/fw[0-9]+Date: May 2007KernelVersion: 2.6.22Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.netDescription: The character device files /dev/fw* are the interface between firewire-core and IEEE 1394 device drivers implemented in userspace. The ioctl(2)- and read(2)-based ABI is defined and documented in <linux/firewire-cdev.h>. This ABI offers most of the features which firewire-core also exposes to kernelspace IEEE 1394 drivers. Each /dev/fw* is associated with one IEEE 1394 node, which can be remote or local nodes. Operations on a /dev/fw* file have different scope: - The 1394 node which is associated with the file: - Asynchronous request transmission - Get the Configuration ROM - Query node ID - Query maximum speed of the path between this node and local node - The 1394 bus (i.e. "card") to which the node is attached to: - Isochronous stream transmission and reception - Asynchronous stream transmission and reception - Asynchronous broadcast request transmission - PHY packet transmission and reception - Allocate, reallocate, deallocate isochronous resources (channels, bandwidth) at the bus's IRM - Query node IDs of local node, root node, IRM, bus manager - Query cycle time - Bus reset initiation, bus reset event reception - All 1394 buses: - Allocation of IEEE 1212 address ranges on the local link layers, reception of inbound requests to such an address range, asynchronous response transmission to inbound requests - Addition of descriptors or directories to the local nodes' Configuration ROM Due to the different scope of operations and in order to let userland implement different access permission models, some operations are restricted to /dev/fw* files that are associated with a local node: - Addition of descriptors or directories to the local nodes' Configuration ROM - PHY packet transmission and reception A /dev/fw* file remains associated with one particular node during its entire life time. Bus topology changes, and hence node ID changes, are tracked by firewire-core. ABI users do not need to be aware of topology. The following file operations are supported: open(2) Currently the only useful flags are O_RDWR. ioctl(2) Initiate various actions. Some take immediate effect, others are performed asynchronously while or after the ioctl returns. See the inline documentation in <linux/firewire-cdev.h> for descriptions of all ioctls. poll(2), select(2), epoll_wait(2) etc. Watch for events to become available to be read. read(2) Receive various events. There are solicited events like outbound asynchronous transaction completion or isochronous buffer completion, and unsolicited events such as bus resets, request reception, or PHY packet reception. Always use a read buffer which is large enough to receive the largest event that could ever arrive. See <linux/firewire-cdev.h> for descriptions of all event types and for which ioctls affect reception of events. mmap(2) Allocate a DMA buffer for isochronous reception or transmission and map it into the process address space. The arguments should be used as follows: addr = NULL, length = the desired buffer size, i.e. number of packets times size of largest packet, prot = at least PROT_READ for reception and at least PROT_WRITE for transmission, flags = MAP_SHARED, fd = the handle to the /dev/fw*, offset = 0. Isochronous reception works in packet-per-buffer fashion except for multichannel reception which works in buffer-fill mode. munmap(2) Unmap the isochronous I/O buffer from the process address space. close(2) Besides stopping and freeing I/O contexts that were associated with the file descriptor, back out any changes to the local nodes' Configuration ROM. Deallocate isochronous channels and bandwidth at the IRM that were marked for kernel-assisted re- and deallocation.Users: libraw1394; libdc1394; libhinawa; tools like linux-firewire-utils, fwhack, ...
struct fw_cdev_event_common

Common part of all fw_cdev_event_* types


struct fw_cdev_event_common { __u64 closure; __u32 type;};



For arbitrary use by userspace


Discriminates the fw_cdev_event_* types


This struct may be used to access generic members of all fw_cdev_event_*types regardless of the specific type.

Data passed in the closure field for a request will be returned in thecorresponding event. It is big enough to hold a pointer on all platforms.The ioctl used to set closure depends on the type of event.

struct fw_cdev_event_bus_reset

Sent when a bus reset occurred


struct fw_cdev_event_bus_reset { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 node_id; __u32 local_node_id; __u32 bm_node_id; __u32 irm_node_id; __u32 root_node_id; __u32 generation;};



See fw_cdev_event_common; set by FW_CDEV_IOC_GET_INFO ioctl


See fw_cdev_event_common; always FW_CDEV_EVENT_BUS_RESET


New node ID of this node


Node ID of the local node, i.e. of the controller


Node ID of the bus manager


Node ID of the iso resource manager


Node ID of the root node


New bus generation


This event is sent when the bus the device belongs to goes through a busreset. It provides information about the new bus configuration, such asnew node ID for this device, new root ID, and others.

If bm_node_id is 0xffff right after bus reset it can be reread by anFW_CDEV_IOC_GET_INFO ioctl after bus manager selection was finished.Kernels with ABI version < 4 do not set bm_node_id.

struct fw_cdev_event_response

Sent when a response packet was received


struct fw_cdev_event_response { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 rcode; __u32 length; __u32 data[];};





See fw_cdev_event_common; always FW_CDEV_EVENT_RESPONSE


Response code returned by the remote node


Data length, i.e. the response’s payload size in bytes


Payload data, if any


This event is sent instead of fw_cdev_event_response if the kernel or the client implementsABI version <= 5. It has the lack of time stamp field comparing to fw_cdev_event_response2.

struct fw_cdev_event_response2

Sent when a response packet was received


struct fw_cdev_event_response2 { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 rcode; __u32 length; __u32 request_tstamp; __u32 response_tstamp; __u32 padding; __u32 data[];};





See fw_cdev_event_common; always FW_CDEV_EVENT_RESPONSE


Response code returned by the remote node


Data length, i.e. the response’s payload size in bytes


The time stamp of isochronous cycle at which the request was sent.


The time stamp of isochronous cycle at which the response was sent.


Padding to keep the size of structure as multiples of 8 in various architecturessince 4 byte alignment is used for 8 byte of object type in System V ABI for i386architecture.


Payload data, if any


This event is sent when the stack receives a response to an outgoing requestsent by FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_REQUEST ioctl. The payload data for responsescarrying data (read and lock responses) follows immediately and can beaccessed through the data field.

The event is also generated after conclusions of transactions that do notinvolve response packets. This includes unified write transactions,broadcast write transactions, and transmission of asynchronous streampackets. rcode indicates success or failure of such transmissions.

The value of request_tstamp expresses the isochronous cycle at which the request was sent toinitiate the transaction. The value of response_tstamp expresses the isochronous cycle at whichthe response arrived to complete the transaction. Each value is unsigned 16 bit integercontaining three low order bits of second field and all 13 bits of cycle field in format ofCYCLE_TIMER register.

struct fw_cdev_event_request

Old version of fw_cdev_event_request2


struct fw_cdev_event_request { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 tcode; __u64 offset; __u32 handle; __u32 length; __u32 data[];};



See fw_cdev_event_common; set by FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE ioctl


See fw_cdev_event_common; always FW_CDEV_EVENT_REQUEST


Transaction code of the incoming request


The offset into the 48-bit per-node address space


Reference to the kernel-side pending request


Data length, i.e. the request’s payload size in bytes


Incoming data, if any


This event is sent instead of fw_cdev_event_request2 if the kernel orthe client implements ABI version <= 3. fw_cdev_event_request lacksessential information; use fw_cdev_event_request2 instead.

struct fw_cdev_event_request2

Sent on incoming request to an address region


struct fw_cdev_event_request2 { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 tcode; __u64 offset; __u32 source_node_id; __u32 destination_node_id; __u32 card; __u32 generation; __u32 handle; __u32 length; __u32 data[];};



See fw_cdev_event_common; set by FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE ioctl


See fw_cdev_event_common; always FW_CDEV_EVENT_REQUEST2


Transaction code of the incoming request


The offset into the 48-bit per-node address space


Sender node ID


Destination node ID


The index of the card from which the request came


Bus generation in which the request is valid


Reference to the kernel-side pending request


Data length, i.e. the request’s payload size in bytes


Incoming data, if any


This event is sent instead of fw_cdev_event_request3 if the kernel or the client implementsABI version <= 5. It has the lack of time stamp field comparing to fw_cdev_event_request3.

struct fw_cdev_event_request3

Sent on incoming request to an address region


struct fw_cdev_event_request3 { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 tcode; __u64 offset; __u32 source_node_id; __u32 destination_node_id; __u32 card; __u32 generation; __u32 handle; __u32 length; __u32 tstamp; __u32 padding; __u32 data[];};



See fw_cdev_event_common; set by FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE ioctl


See fw_cdev_event_common; always FW_CDEV_EVENT_REQUEST2


Transaction code of the incoming request


The offset into the 48-bit per-node address space


Sender node ID


Destination node ID


The index of the card from which the request came


Bus generation in which the request is valid


Reference to the kernel-side pending request


Data length, i.e. the request’s payload size in bytes


The time stamp of isochronous cycle at which the request arrived.


Padding to keep the size of structure as multiples of 8 in various architecturessince 4 byte alignment is used for 8 byte of object type in System V ABI for i386architecture.


Incoming data, if any


This event is sent when the stack receives an incoming request to an addressregion registered using the FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE ioctl. The request isguaranteed to be completely contained in the specified region. Userspace isresponsible for sending the response by FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_RESPONSE ioctl,using the same handle.

The payload data for requests carrying data (write and lock requests)follows immediately and can be accessed through the data field.

Unlike fw_cdev_event_request, tcode of lock requests is one of thefirewire-core specific TCODE_LOCK_MASK_SWAP...``TCODE_LOCK_VENDOR_DEPENDENT``,i.e. encodes the extended transaction code.

card may differ from fw_cdev_get_info.card because requests are receivedfrom all cards of the Linux host. source_node_id, destination_node_id, andgeneration pertain to that card. Destination node ID and bus generation maytherefore differ from the corresponding fields of the lastfw_cdev_event_bus_reset.

destination_node_id may also differ from the current node ID because of anon-local bus ID part or in case of a broadcast write request. Note, aclient must call an FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_RESPONSE ioctl even in case of abroadcast write request; the kernel will then release the kernel-side pendingrequest but will not actually send a response packet.

In case of a write request to FCP_REQUEST or FCP_RESPONSE, the kernel alreadysent a write response immediately after the request was received; in thiscase the client must still call an FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_RESPONSE ioctl torelease the kernel-side pending request, though another response won’t besent.

If the client subsequently needs to initiate requests to the sender node ofan fw_cdev_event_request3, it needs to use a device file with matchingcard index, node ID, and generation for outbound requests.

tstamp is isochronous cycle at which the request arrived. It is 16 bit integer value and thehigher 3 bits expresses three low order bits of second field in the format of CYCLE_TIMEregister and the rest 13 bits expresses cycle field.

struct fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt

Sent when an iso packet was completed


struct fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 cycle; __u32 header_length; __u32 header[];};



See fw_cdev_event_common;set by FW_CDEV_CREATE_ISO_CONTEXT ioctl


See fw_cdev_event_common; always FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_INTERRUPT


Cycle counter of the last completed packet


Total length of following headers, in bytes


Stripped headers, if any


This event is sent when the controller has completed an fw_cdev_iso_packetwith the FW_CDEV_ISO_INTERRUPT bit set, when explicitly requested withFW_CDEV_IOC_FLUSH_ISO, or when there have been so many completed packetswithout the interrupt bit set that the kernel’s internal buffer for headeris about to overflow. (In the last case, ABI versions < 5 drop header dataup to the next interrupt packet.)

Isochronous transmit events (context type FW_CDEV_ISO_CONTEXT_TRANSMIT):

In version 3 and some implementations of version 2 of the ABI, header_lengthis a multiple of 4 and header contains timestamps of all packets up untilthe interrupt packet. The format of the timestamps is as described below forisochronous reception. In version 1 of the ABI, header_length was 0.

Isochronous receive events (context type FW_CDEV_ISO_CONTEXT_RECEIVE):

The headers stripped of all packets up until and including the interruptpacket are returned in the header field. The amount of header data perpacket is as specified at iso context creation byfw_cdev_create_iso_context.header_size.

Hence, _interrupt.header_length / _context.header_size is the number ofpackets received in this interrupt event. The client can now iteratethrough the mmap()’ed DMA buffer according to this number of packets andto the buffer sizes as the client specified in fw_cdev_queue_iso.

Since version 2 of this ABI, the portion for each packet in _interrupt.headerconsists of the 1394 isochronous packet header, followed by a timestampquadlet if fw_cdev_create_iso_context.header_size > 4, followed by quadletsfrom the packet payload if fw_cdev_create_iso_context.header_size > 8.

Format of 1394 iso packet header: 16 bits data_length, 2 bits tag, 6 bitschannel, 4 bits tcode, 4 bits sy, in big endian byte order.data_length is the actual received size of the packet without the four1394 iso packet header bytes.

Format of timestamp: 16 bits invalid, 3 bits cycleSeconds, 13 bitscycleCount, in big endian byte order.

In version 1 of the ABI, no timestamp quadlet was inserted; instead, payloaddata followed directly after the 1394 is header if header_size > 4.Behaviour of ver. 1 of this ABI is no longer available since ABI ver. 2.

struct fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt_mc

An iso buffer chunk was completed


struct fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt_mc { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 completed;};



See fw_cdev_event_common;set by FW_CDEV_CREATE_ISO_CONTEXT ioctl




Offset into the receive buffer; data before this offset is valid


This event is sent in multichannel contexts (context typeFW_CDEV_ISO_CONTEXT_RECEIVE_MULTICHANNEL) for fw_cdev_iso_packet bufferchunks that have been completely filled and that have theFW_CDEV_ISO_INTERRUPT bit set, or when explicitly requested withFW_CDEV_IOC_FLUSH_ISO.

The buffer is continuously filled with the following data, per packet:
  • the 1394 iso packet header as described at fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt,but in little endian byte order,

  • packet payload (as many bytes as specified in the data_length field ofthe 1394 iso packet header) in big endian byte order,

  • 0...3 padding bytes as needed to align the following trailer quadlet,

  • trailer quadlet, containing the reception timestamp as described atfw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt, but in little endian byte order.

Hence the per-packet size is data_length (rounded up to a multiple of 4) + 8.When processing the data, stop before a packet that would cross thecompleted offset.

A packet near the end of a buffer chunk will typically spill over into thenext queued buffer chunk. It is the responsibility of the client to checkfor this condition, assemble a broken-up packet from its parts, and not tore-queue any buffer chunks in which as yet unread packet parts reside.

struct fw_cdev_event_iso_resource

Iso resources were allocated or freed


struct fw_cdev_event_iso_resource { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 handle; __s32 channel; __s32 bandwidth;};



See fw_cdev_event_common;set by``FW_CDEV_IOC_(DE)ALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE(_ONCE)`` ioctl




Reference by which an allocated resource can be deallocated


Isochronous channel which was (de)allocated, if any


Bandwidth allocation units which were (de)allocated, if any


An FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_RESOURCE_ALLOCATED event is sent after an isochronousresource was allocated at the IRM. The client has to check channel andbandwidth for whether the allocation actually succeeded.

An FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_RESOURCE_DEALLOCATED event is sent after an isochronousresource was deallocated at the IRM. It is also sent when automaticreallocation after a bus reset failed.

channel is <0 if no channel was (de)allocated or if reallocation failed.bandwidth is 0 if no bandwidth was (de)allocated or if reallocation failed.

struct fw_cdev_event_phy_packet

A PHY packet was transmitted or received


struct fw_cdev_event_phy_packet { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 rcode; __u32 length; __u32 data[];};



See fw_cdev_event_common; set by FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_PHY_PACKETor FW_CDEV_IOC_RECEIVE_PHY_PACKETS ioctl




RCODE_..., indicates success or failure of transmission


Data length in bytes


Incoming data for FW_CDEV_IOC_RECEIVE_PHY_PACKETS. For FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_PHY_PACKETthe field has the same data in the request, thus the length of 8 bytes.


This event is sent instead of fw_cdev_event_phy_packet2 if the kernel orthe client implements ABI version <= 5. It has the lack of time stamp field comparing tofw_cdev_event_phy_packet2.

struct fw_cdev_event_phy_packet2

A PHY packet was transmitted or received with time stamp.


struct fw_cdev_event_phy_packet2 { __u64 closure; __u32 type; __u32 rcode; __u32 length; __u32 tstamp; __u32 data[];};



See fw_cdev_event_common; set by FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_PHY_PACKETor FW_CDEV_IOC_RECEIVE_PHY_PACKETS ioctl




RCODE_..., indicates success or failure of transmission


Data length in bytes


For FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_RECEIVED2, the time stamp of isochronous cycle atwhich the packet arrived. For FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_SENT2 and non-ping packet,the time stamp of isochronous cycle at which the packet was sent. For ping packet,the tick count for round-trip time measured by 1394 OHCI controller.The time stamp of isochronous cycle at which either the response was sent forFW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_SENT2 or the request arrived forFW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_RECEIVED2.


Incoming data


If type is FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_SENT2, length is 8 and data consists of the two PHYpacket quadlets to be sent, in host byte order,

If type is FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_RECEIVED2, length is 8 and data consists of the two PHYpacket quadlets, in host byte order.

For FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_RECEIVED2, the tstamp is the isochronous cycle at which thepacket arrived. It is 16 bit integer value and the higher 3 bits expresses three low order bitsof second field and the rest 13 bits expresses cycle field in the format of CYCLE_TIME register.

For FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_SENT2, the tstamp has different meanings whether to sent thepacket for ping or not. If it’s not for ping, the tstamp is the isochronous cycle at which thepacket was sent, and use the same format as the case of FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_SENT2. If it’sfor ping, the tstamp is for round-trip time measured by 1394 OHCI controller with 42.195 MHzresolution.

union fw_cdev_event

Convenience union of fw_cdev_event_* types


union fw_cdev_event { struct fw_cdev_event_common common; struct fw_cdev_event_bus_reset bus_reset; struct fw_cdev_event_response response; struct fw_cdev_event_request request; struct fw_cdev_event_request2 request2; struct fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt iso_interrupt; struct fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt_mc iso_interrupt_mc; struct fw_cdev_event_iso_resource iso_resource; struct fw_cdev_event_phy_packet phy_packet; struct fw_cdev_event_request3 request3; struct fw_cdev_event_response2 response2; struct fw_cdev_event_phy_packet2 phy_packet2;};



Valid for all types


Valid if common.type == FW_CDEV_EVENT_BUS_RESET


Valid if common.type == FW_CDEV_EVENT_RESPONSE


Valid if common.type == FW_CDEV_EVENT_REQUEST


Valid if common.type == FW_CDEV_EVENT_REQUEST2


Valid if common.type == FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_INTERRUPT








Valid if common.type == FW_CDEV_EVENT_REQUEST3


Valid if common.type == FW_CDEV_EVENT_RESPONSE2




Convenience union for userspace use. Events could be read(2) into anappropriately aligned char buffer and then cast to this union for furtherprocessing. Note that for a request, response or iso_interrupt event,the data[] or header[] may make the size of the full event larger thansizeof(union fw_cdev_event). Also note that if you attempt to read(2)an event into a buffer that is not large enough for it, the data that doesnot fit will be discarded so that the next read(2) will return a new event.

struct fw_cdev_get_info

General purpose information ioctl


struct fw_cdev_get_info { __u32 version; __u32 rom_length; __u64 rom; __u64 bus_reset; __u64 bus_reset_closure; __u32 card;};



The version field is just a running serial number. Both aninput parameter (ABI version implemented by the client) andoutput parameter (ABI version implemented by the kernel).A client shall fill in the ABI version for which the clientwas implemented. This is necessary for forward compatibility.


If rom is non-zero, up to rom_length bytes of ConfigurationROM will be copied into that user space address. In eithercase, rom_length is updated with the actual length of theConfiguration ROM.


If non-zero, address of a buffer to be filled by a copy of thedevice’s Configuration ROM


If non-zero, address of a buffer to be filled by astruct fw_cdev_event_bus_reset with the current stateof the bus. This does not cause a bus reset to happen.


Value of closure in this and subsequent bus reset events


The index of the card this device belongs to


The FW_CDEV_IOC_GET_INFO ioctl is usually the very first one which a clientperforms right after it opened a /dev/fw* file.

As a side effect, reception of FW_CDEV_EVENT_BUS_RESET events to be read(2)is started by this ioctl.

struct fw_cdev_send_request

Send an asynchronous request packet


struct fw_cdev_send_request { __u32 tcode; __u32 length; __u64 offset; __u64 closure; __u64 data; __u32 generation;};



Transaction code of the request


Length of outgoing payload, in bytes


48-bit offset at destination node


Passed back to userspace in the response event


Userspace pointer to payload


The bus generation where packet is valid


Send a request to the device. This ioctl implements all outgoing requests. Both quadlet andblock request specify the payload as a pointer to the data in the data field. Once thetransaction completes, the kernel writes either fw_cdev_event_response event orfw_cdev_event_response event back. The closure field is passed back to user space in theresponse event.

struct fw_cdev_send_response

Send an asynchronous response packet


struct fw_cdev_send_response { __u32 rcode; __u32 length; __u64 data; __u32 handle;};



Response code as determined by the userspace handler


Length of outgoing payload, in bytes


Userspace pointer to payload


The handle from the fw_cdev_event_request


Send a response to an incoming request. By setting up an address range usingthe FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE ioctl, userspace can listen for incoming requests. Anincoming request will generate an FW_CDEV_EVENT_REQUEST, and userspace mustsend a reply using this ioctl. The event has a handle to the kernel-sidepending transaction, which should be used with this ioctl.

struct fw_cdev_allocate

Allocate a CSR in an address range


struct fw_cdev_allocate { __u64 offset; __u64 closure; __u32 length; __u32 handle; __u64 region_end;};



Start offset of the address range


To be passed back to userspace in request events


Length of the CSR, in bytes


Handle to the allocation, written by the kernel


First address above the address range (added in ABI v4, 2.6.36)


Allocate an address range in the 48-bit address space on the local node(the controller). This allows userspace to listen for requests with anoffset within that address range. Every time when the kernel receives arequest within the range, an fw_cdev_event_request2 event will be emitted.(If the kernel or the client implements ABI version <= 3, anfw_cdev_event_request will be generated instead.)

The closure field is passed back to userspace in these request events.The handle field is an out parameter, returning a handle to the allocatedrange to be used for later deallocation of the range.

The address range is allocated on all local nodes. The address allocationis exclusive except for the FCP command and response registers. If anexclusive address region is already in use, the ioctl fails with errno setto EBUSY.

If kernel and client implement ABI version >= 4, the kernel looks up a freespot of size length inside [offset..**region_end**) and, if found, writesthe start address of the new CSR back in offset. I.e. offset is anin and out parameter. If this automatic placement of a CSR in a biggeraddress range is not desired, the client simply needs to set region_end= offset + length.

If the kernel or the client implements ABI version <= 3, region_end isignored and effectively assumed to be offset + length.

region_end is only present in a kernel header >= 2.6.36. If necessary,this can for example be tested by #ifdef FW_CDEV_EVENT_REQUEST2.

struct fw_cdev_deallocate

Free a CSR address range or isochronous resource


struct fw_cdev_deallocate { __u32 handle;};



Handle to the address range or iso resource, as returned by thekernel when the range or resource was allocated

struct fw_cdev_initiate_bus_reset

Initiate a bus reset


struct fw_cdev_initiate_bus_reset { __u32 type;};





Initiate a bus reset for the bus this device is on. The bus reset can beeither the original (long) bus reset or the arbitrated (short) bus resetintroduced in 1394a-2000.

The ioctl returns immediately. A subsequent fw_cdev_event_bus_resetindicates when the reset actually happened. Since ABI v4, this may beconsiderably later than the ioctl because the kernel ensures a grace periodbetween subsequent bus resets as per IEEE 1394 bus management specification.

struct fw_cdev_add_descriptor

Add contents to the local node’s config ROM


struct fw_cdev_add_descriptor { __u32 immediate; __u32 key; __u64 data; __u32 length; __u32 handle;};



If non-zero, immediate key to insert before pointer


Upper 8 bits of root directory pointer


Userspace pointer to contents of descriptor block


Length of descriptor block data, in quadlets


Handle to the descriptor, written by the kernel


Add a descriptor block and optionally a preceding immediate key to the localnode’s Configuration ROM.

The key field specifies the upper 8 bits of the descriptor root directorypointer and the data and length fields specify the contents. The keyshould be of the form 0xXX000000. The offset part of the root directory entrywill be filled in by the kernel.

If not 0, the immediate field specifies an immediate key which will beinserted before the root directory pointer.

immediate, key, and data array elements are CPU-endian quadlets.

If successful, the kernel adds the descriptor and writes back a handle tothe kernel-side object to be used for later removal of the descriptor blockand immediate key. The kernel will also generate a bus reset to signal thechange of the Configuration ROM to other nodes.

This ioctl affects the Configuration ROMs of all local nodes.The ioctl only succeeds on device files which represent a local node.

struct fw_cdev_remove_descriptor

Remove contents from the Configuration ROM


struct fw_cdev_remove_descriptor { __u32 handle;};



Handle to the descriptor, as returned by the kernel when thedescriptor was added


Remove a descriptor block and accompanying immediate key from the localnodes’ Configuration ROMs. The kernel will also generate a bus reset tosignal the change of the Configuration ROM to other nodes.

struct fw_cdev_create_iso_context

Create a context for isochronous I/O


struct fw_cdev_create_iso_context { __u32 type; __u32 header_size; __u32 channel; __u32 speed; __u64 closure; __u32 handle;};





Header size to strip in single-channel reception


Channel to bind to in single-channel reception or transmission


Transmission speed


To be returned in fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt orfw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt_multichannel


Handle to context, written back by kernel


Prior to sending or receiving isochronous I/O, a context must be created.The context records information about the transmit or receive configurationand typically maps to an underlying hardware resource. A context is set upfor either sending or receiving. It is bound to a specific isochronouschannel.

In case of multichannel reception, header_size and channel are ignoredand the channels are selected by FW_CDEV_IOC_SET_ISO_CHANNELS.

For FW_CDEV_ISO_CONTEXT_RECEIVE contexts, header_size must be at least 4and must be a multiple of 4. It is ignored in other context types.

speed is ignored in receive context types.

If a context was successfully created, the kernel writes back a handle to thecontext, which must be passed in for subsequent operations on that context.

Limitations:No more than one iso context can be created per fd.The total number of contexts that all userspace and kernelspace drivers cancreate on a card at a time is a hardware limit, typically 4 or 8 contexts perdirection, and of them at most one multichannel receive context.

struct fw_cdev_set_iso_channels

Select channels in multichannel reception


struct fw_cdev_set_iso_channels { __u64 channels; __u32 handle;};



Bitmask of channels to listen to


Handle of the mutichannel receive context


channels is the bitwise or of 1ULL << n for each channel n to listen to.

The ioctl fails with errno EBUSY if there is already another receive contexton a channel in channels. In that case, the bitmask of all unoccupiedchannels is returned in channels.

struct fw_cdev_iso_packet

Isochronous packet


struct fw_cdev_iso_packet { __u32 control; __u32 header[];};



Contains the header length (8 uppermost bits),the sy field (4 bits), the tag field (2 bits), a sync flagor a skip flag (1 bit), an interrupt flag (1 bit), and thepayload length (16 lowermost bits)


Header and payload in case of a transmit context.


struct fw_cdev_iso_packet is used to describe isochronous packet queues.Use the FW_CDEV_ISO_* macros to fill in control.The header array is empty in case of receive contexts.


control.HEADER_LENGTH must be a multiple of 4. It specifies the numbers ofbytes in header that will be prepended to the packet’s payload. These bytesare copied into the kernel and will not be accessed after the ioctl hasreturned.

The control.SY and TAG fields are copied to the iso packet header. Thesefields are specified by IEEE 1394a and IEC 61883-1.

The control.SKIP flag specifies that no packet is to be sent in a frame.When using this, all other fields except control.INTERRUPT must be zero.

When a packet with the control.INTERRUPT flag set has been completed, anfw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt event will be sent.


control.HEADER_LENGTH must be a multiple of the context’s header_size.If the HEADER_LENGTH is larger than the context’s header_size, multiplepackets are queued for this entry.

The control.SY and TAG fields are ignored.

If the control.SYNC flag is set, the context drops all packets until apacket with a sy field is received which matches fw_cdev_start_iso.sync.

control.PAYLOAD_LENGTH defines how many payload bytes can be received forone packet (in addition to payload quadlets that have been defined as headersand are stripped and returned in the fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt structure).If more bytes are received, the additional bytes are dropped. If less bytesare received, the remaining bytes in this part of the payload buffer will notbe written to, not even by the next packet. I.e., packets received inconsecutive frames will not necessarily be consecutive in memory. If anentry has queued multiple packets, the PAYLOAD_LENGTH is divided equallyamong them.

When a packet with the control.INTERRUPT flag set has been completed, anfw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt event will be sent. An entry that has queuedmultiple receive packets is completed when its last packet is completed.


Here, fw_cdev_iso_packet would be more aptly named _iso_buffer_chunk sinceit specifies a chunk of the mmap()’ed buffer, while the number and alignmentof packets to be placed into the buffer chunk is not known beforehand.

control.PAYLOAD_LENGTH is the size of the buffer chunk and specifies roomfor header, payload, padding, and trailer bytes of one or more packets.It must be a multiple of 4.

control.HEADER_LENGTH, TAG and SY are ignored. SYNC is treated as describedfor single-channel reception.

When a buffer chunk with the control.INTERRUPT flag set has been filledentirely, an fw_cdev_event_iso_interrupt_mc event will be sent.

struct fw_cdev_queue_iso

Queue isochronous packets for I/O


struct fw_cdev_queue_iso { __u64 packets; __u64 data; __u32 size; __u32 handle;};



Userspace pointer to an array of fw_cdev_iso_packet


Pointer into mmap()’ed payload buffer


Size of the packets array, in bytes


Isochronous context handle


Queue a number of isochronous packets for reception or transmission.This ioctl takes a pointer to an array of fw_cdev_iso_packet structs,which describe how to transmit from or receive into a contiguous regionof a mmap()’ed payload buffer. As part of transmit packet descriptors,a series of headers can be supplied, which will be prepended to thepayload during DMA.

The kernel may or may not queue all packets, but will write back updatedvalues of the packets, data and size fields, so the ioctl can beresubmitted easily.

In case of a multichannel receive context, data must be quadlet-alignedrelative to the buffer start.

struct fw_cdev_start_iso

Start an isochronous transmission or reception


struct fw_cdev_start_iso { __s32 cycle; __u32 sync; __u32 tags; __u32 handle;};



Cycle in which to start I/O. If cycle is greater than orequal to 0, the I/O will start on that cycle.


Determines the value to wait for receive packets that havethe FW_CDEV_ISO_SYNC bit set


Tag filter bit mask. Only valid for isochronous reception.Determines the tag values for which packets will be accepted.Use FW_CDEV_ISO_CONTEXT_MATCH_* macros to set tags.


Isochronous context handle within which to transmit or receive

struct fw_cdev_stop_iso

Stop an isochronous transmission or reception


struct fw_cdev_stop_iso { __u32 handle;};



Handle of isochronous context to stop

struct fw_cdev_flush_iso

flush completed iso packets


struct fw_cdev_flush_iso { __u32 handle;};



handle of isochronous context to flush


For FW_CDEV_ISO_CONTEXT_TRANSMIT or FW_CDEV_ISO_CONTEXT_RECEIVE contexts,report any completed packets.

For FW_CDEV_ISO_CONTEXT_RECEIVE_MULTICHANNEL contexts, report the currentoffset in the receive buffer, if it has changed; this is typically in themiddle of some buffer chunk.

Any FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_INTERRUPT or FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_INTERRUPT_MULTICHANNELevents generated by this ioctl are sent synchronously, i.e., are availablefor reading from the file descriptor when this ioctl returns.

struct fw_cdev_get_cycle_timer

read cycle timer register


struct fw_cdev_get_cycle_timer { __u64 local_time; __u32 cycle_timer;};



system time, in microseconds since the Epoch


Cycle Time register contents


Same as FW_CDEV_IOC_GET_CYCLE_TIMER2, but fixed to use CLOCK_REALTIMEand only with microseconds resolution.

In version 1 and 2 of the ABI, this ioctl returned unreliable (non-monotonic) cycle_timer values on certain controllers.

struct fw_cdev_get_cycle_timer2

read cycle timer register


struct fw_cdev_get_cycle_timer2 { __s64 tv_sec; __s32 tv_nsec; __s32 clk_id; __u32 cycle_timer;};



system time, seconds


system time, sub-seconds part in nanoseconds


input parameter, clock from which to get the system time


Cycle Time register contents


The FW_CDEV_IOC_GET_CYCLE_TIMER2 ioctl reads the isochronous cycle timerand also the system clock. This allows to correlate reception time ofisochronous packets with system time.

clk_id lets you choose a clock like with POSIX’ clock_gettime function.Supported clk_id values are POSIX’ CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONICand Linux’ CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW.

cycle_timer consists of 7 bits cycleSeconds, 13 bits cycleCount, and12 bits cycleOffset, in host byte order. Cf. the Cycle Time registerper IEEE 1394 or Isochronous Cycle Timer register per OHCI-1394.

struct fw_cdev_allocate_iso_resource

(De)allocate a channel or bandwidth


struct fw_cdev_allocate_iso_resource { __u64 closure; __u64 channels; __u32 bandwidth; __u32 handle;};



Passed back to userspace in corresponding iso resource events


Isochronous channels of which one is to be (de)allocated


Isochronous bandwidth units to be (de)allocated


Handle to the allocation, written by the kernel (only valid incase of FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE ioctls)


The FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE ioctl initiates allocation of anisochronous channel and/or of isochronous bandwidth at the isochronousresource manager (IRM). Only one of the channels specified in channels isallocated. An FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_RESOURCE_ALLOCATED is sent aftercommunication with the IRM, indicating success or failure in the event data.The kernel will automatically reallocate the resources after bus resets.Should a reallocation fail, an FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_RESOURCE_DEALLOCATED eventwill be sent. The kernel will also automatically deallocate the resourceswhen the file descriptor is closed.

The FW_CDEV_IOC_DEALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE ioctl can be used to initiatedeallocation of resources which were allocated as described above.An FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_RESOURCE_DEALLOCATED event concludes this operation.

The FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE_ONCE ioctl is a variant of allocationwithout automatic re- or deallocation.An FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_RESOURCE_ALLOCATED event concludes this operation,indicating success or failure in its data.

The FW_CDEV_IOC_DEALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE_ONCE ioctl works likeFW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE_ONCE except that resources are freedinstead of allocated.An FW_CDEV_EVENT_ISO_RESOURCE_DEALLOCATED event concludes this operation.

To summarize, FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE allocates iso resourcesfor the lifetime of the fd or handle.In contrast, FW_CDEV_IOC_ALLOCATE_ISO_RESOURCE_ONCE allocates iso resourcesfor the duration of a bus generation.

channels is a host-endian bitfield with the least significant bitrepresenting channel 0 and the most significant bit representing channel 63:1ULL << c for each channel c that is a candidate for (de)allocation.

bandwidth is expressed in bandwidth allocation units, i.e. the time to sendone quadlet of data (payload or header data) at speed S1600.

struct fw_cdev_send_stream_packet

send an asynchronous stream packet


struct fw_cdev_send_stream_packet { __u32 length; __u32 tag; __u32 channel; __u32 sy; __u64 closure; __u64 data; __u32 generation; __u32 speed;};



Length of outgoing payload, in bytes


Data format tag


Isochronous channel to transmit to


Synchronization code


Passed back to userspace in the response event


Userspace pointer to payload


The bus generation where packet is valid


Speed to transmit at


The FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_STREAM_PACKET ioctl sends an asynchronous stream packet to every devicewhich is listening to the specified channel. The kernel writes either fw_cdev_event_responseevent or fw_cdev_event_response2 event which indicates success or failure of the transmission.

struct fw_cdev_send_phy_packet

send a PHY packet


struct fw_cdev_send_phy_packet { __u64 closure; __u32 data[2]; __u32 generation;};



Passed back to userspace in the PHY-packet-sent event


First and second quadlet of the PHY packet


The bus generation where packet is valid


The FW_CDEV_IOC_SEND_PHY_PACKET ioctl sends a PHY packet to all nodes on the same card as thisdevice. After transmission, either FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_SENT event orFW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_SENT event is generated.

The payload data[] shall be specified in host byte order. Usually,data[1] needs to be the bitwise inverse of data[0]. VersaPHY packetsare an exception to this rule.

The ioctl is only permitted on device files which represent a local node.

struct fw_cdev_receive_phy_packets

start reception of PHY packets


struct fw_cdev_receive_phy_packets { __u64 closure;};



Passed back to userspace in phy packet events


This ioctl activates issuing of either FW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_RECEIVED orFW_CDEV_EVENT_PHY_PACKET_RECEIVED2 due to incoming PHY packets from any node on the same busas the device.

The ioctl is only permitted on device files which represent a local node.

Firewire device probing and sysfs interfaces

What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw[0-9]+/Date: May 2007KernelVersion: 2.6.22Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.netDescription: IEEE 1394 node device attributes. Read-only. Mutable during the node device's lifetime. See IEEE 1212 for semantic definitions. config_rom Contents of the Configuration ROM register. Binary attribute; an array of host-endian u32. guid The node's EUI-64 in the bus information block of Configuration ROM. Hexadecimal string representation of an u64.What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw[0-9]+/unitsDate: June 2009KernelVersion: 2.6.31Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.netDescription: IEEE 1394 node device attribute. Read-only. Mutable during the node device's lifetime. See IEEE 1212 for semantic definitions. units Summary of all units present in an IEEE 1394 node. Contains space-separated tuples of specifier_id and version of each unit present in the node. Specifier_id and version are hexadecimal string representations of u24 of the respective unit directory entries. Specifier_id and version within each tuple are separated by a colon.Users: udev rules to set ownership and access permissions or ACLs of /dev/fw[0-9]+ character device filesWhat: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw[0-9]+/is_localDate: July 2012KernelVersion: 3.6Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.netDescription: IEEE 1394 node device attribute. Read-only and immutable.Values: 1: The sysfs entry represents a local node (a controller card). 0: The sysfs entry represents a remote node.What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw[0-9]+[.][0-9]+/Date: May 2007KernelVersion: 2.6.22Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.netDescription: IEEE 1394 unit device attributes. Read-only. Immutable during the unit device's lifetime. See IEEE 1212 for semantic definitions. modalias Same as MODALIAS in the uevent at device creation. rom_index Offset of the unit directory within the parent device's (node device's) Configuration ROM, in quadlets. Decimal string representation.What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/*/Date: May 2007KernelVersion: 2.6.22Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.netDescription: Attributes common to IEEE 1394 node devices and unit devices. Read-only. Mutable during the node device's lifetime. Immutable during the unit device's lifetime. See IEEE 1212 for semantic definitions. These attributes are only created if the root directory of an IEEE 1394 node or the unit directory of an IEEE 1394 unit actually contains according entries. hardware_version Hexadecimal string representation of an u24. hardware_version_name Contents of a respective textual descriptor leaf. model Hexadecimal string representation of an u24. model_name Contents of a respective textual descriptor leaf. specifier_id Hexadecimal string representation of an u24. Mandatory in unit directories according to IEEE 1212. vendor Hexadecimal string representation of an u24. Mandatory in the root directory according to IEEE 1212. vendor_name Contents of a respective textual descriptor leaf. version Hexadecimal string representation of an u24. Mandatory in unit directories according to IEEE 1212.What: /sys/bus/firewire/drivers/sbp2/fw*/host*/target*/*:*:*:*/ieee1394_id formerly /sys/bus/ieee1394/drivers/sbp2/fw*/host*/target*/*:*:*:*/ieee1394_idDate: Feb 2004KernelVersion: 2.6.4Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.netDescription: SCSI target port identifier and logical unit identifier of a logical unit of an SBP-2 target. The identifiers are specified in SAM-2...SAM-4 annex A. They are persistent and world-wide unique properties the SBP-2 attached target. Read-only attribute, immutable during the target's lifetime. Format, as exposed by firewire-sbp2 since 2.6.22, May 2007: Colon-separated hexadecimal string representations of u64 EUI-64 : u24 directory_ID : u16 LUN without 0x prefixes, without whitespace. The former sbp2 driver (removed in 2.6.37 after being superseded by firewire-sbp2) used a somewhat shorter format which was not as close to SAM.Users: udev rules to create /dev/disk/by-id/ symlinks
int fw_csr_string(const u32 *directory, int key, char *buf, size_t size)

reads a string from the configuration ROM


const u32 *directory

e.g. root directory or unit directory

int key

the key of the preceding directory entry

char *buf

where to put the string

size_t size

size of buf, in bytes


The string is taken from a minimal ASCII text descriptor leaf just after the entry with thekey. The string is zero-terminated. An overlong string is silently truncated such that itand the zero byte fit into size.

Returns strlen(buf) or a negative error code.

Firewire core transaction interfaces

void __fw_send_request(struct fw_card *card, struct fw_transaction *t, int tcode, int destination_id, int generation, int speed, unsigned long long offset, void *payload, size_t length, union fw_transaction_callback callback, bool with_tstamp, void *callback_data)

submit a request packet for transmission to generate callback for response subaction with or without time stamp.


struct fw_card *card

interface to send the request at

struct fw_transaction *t

transaction instance to which the request belongs

int tcode

transaction code

int destination_id

destination node ID, consisting of bus_ID and phy_ID

int generation

bus generation in which request and response are valid

int speed

transmission speed

unsigned long long offset

48bit wide offset into destination’s address space

void *payload

data payload for the request subaction

size_t length

length of the payload, in bytes

union fw_transaction_callback callback

union of two functions whether to receive time stamp or not for responsesubaction.

bool with_tstamp

Whether to receive time stamp or not for response subaction.

void *callback_data

data to be passed to the transaction completion callback


Submit a request packet into the asynchronous request transmission queue.Can be called from atomic context. If you prefer a blocking API, usefw_run_transaction() in a context that can sleep.

In case of lock requests, specify one of the firewire-core specific TCODE_constants instead of TCODE_LOCK_REQUEST in tcode.

Make sure that the value in destination_id is not older than the one ingeneration. Otherwise the request is in danger to be sent to a wrong node.

In case of asynchronous stream packets i.e. TCODE_STREAM_DATA, the callerneeds to synthesize destination_id with fw_stream_packet_destination_id().It will contain tag, channel, and sy data instead of a node ID then.

The payload buffer at data is going to be DMA-mapped except in case oflength <= 8 or of local (loopback) requests. Hence make sure that thebuffer complies with the restrictions of the streaming DMA mapping API.payload must not be freed before the callback is called.

In case of request types without payload, data is NULL and length is 0.

After the transaction is completed successfully or unsuccessfully, thecallback will be called. Among its parameters is the response code whichis either one of the rcodes per IEEE 1394 or, in case of internal errors,the firewire-core specific RCODE_SEND_ERROR. The other firewire-corespecific rcodes (RCODE_CANCELLED, RCODE_BUSY, RCODE_GENERATION,RCODE_NO_ACK) denote transaction timeout, busy responder, stale requestgeneration, or missing ACK respectively.

Note some timing corner cases: fw_send_request() may complete much earlierthan when the request packet actually hits the wire. On the other hand,transaction completion and hence execution of callback may happen evenbefore fw_send_request() returns.

int fw_run_transaction(struct fw_card *card, int tcode, int destination_id, int generation, int speed, unsigned long long offset, void *payload, size_t length)

send request and sleep until transaction is completed


struct fw_card *card

card interface for this request

int tcode

transaction code

int destination_id

destination node ID, consisting of bus_ID and phy_ID

int generation

bus generation in which request and response are valid

int speed

transmission speed

unsigned long long offset

48bit wide offset into destination’s address space

void *payload

data payload for the request subaction

size_t length

length of the payload, in bytes


Returns the RCODE. See fw_send_request() for parameter documentation.Unlike fw_send_request(), data points to the payload of the request or/andto the payload of the response. DMA mapping restrictions apply to outboundrequest payloads of >= 8 bytes but not to inbound response payloads.

int fw_core_add_address_handler(struct fw_address_handler *handler, const struct fw_address_region *region)

register for incoming requests


struct fw_address_handler *handler


const struct fw_address_region *region

region in the IEEE 1212 node space address range


region->start, ->end, and handler->length have to be quadlet-aligned.

When a request is received that falls within the specified address range,the specified callback is invoked. The parameters passed to the callbackgive the details of the particular request.

To be called in process context.Return value: 0 on success, non-zero otherwise.

The start offset of the handler’s address region is determined byfw_core_add_address_handler() and is returned in handler->offset.

Address allocations are exclusive, except for the FCP registers.

void fw_core_remove_address_handler(struct fw_address_handler *handler)

unregister an address handler


struct fw_address_handler *handler



To be called in process context.

When fw_core_remove_address_handler() returns, handler->callback() isguaranteed to not run on any CPU anymore.

void fw_send_response(struct fw_card *card, struct fw_request *request, int rcode)
  • send response packet for asynchronous transaction.


struct fw_card *card

interface to send the response at.

struct fw_request *request

firewire request data for the transaction.

int rcode

response code to send.


Submit a response packet into the asynchronous response transmission queue. The requestis going to be released when the transmission successfully finishes later.

int fw_get_request_speed(struct fw_request *request)

returns speed at which the request was received


struct fw_request *request

firewire request data

u32 fw_request_get_timestamp(const struct fw_request *request)

Get timestamp of the request.


const struct fw_request *request

The opaque pointer to request structure.


Get timestamp when 1394 OHCI controller receives the asynchronous request subaction. Thetimestamp consists of the low order 3 bits of second field and the full 13 bits of countfield of isochronous cycle time register.


timestamp of the request.

const char *fw_rcode_string(int rcode)

convert a firewire result code to an error description


int rcode

the result code

Firewire Isochronous I/O interfaces

void fw_iso_resource_manage(struct fw_card *card, int generation, u64 channels_mask, int *channel, int *bandwidth, bool allocate)

Allocate or deallocate a channel and/or bandwidth


struct fw_card *card

card interface for this action

int generation

bus generation

u64 channels_mask

bitmask for channel allocation

int *channel

pointer for returning channel allocation result

int *bandwidth

pointer for returning bandwidth allocation result

bool allocate

whether to allocate (true) or deallocate (false)


In parameters: card, generation, channels_mask, bandwidth, allocateOut parameters: channel, bandwidth

This function blocks (sleeps) during communication with the IRM.

Allocates or deallocates at most one channel out of channels_mask.channels_mask is a bitfield with MSB for channel 63 and LSB for channel 0.(Note, the IRM’s CHANNELS_AVAILABLE is a big-endian bitfield with MSB forchannel 0 and LSB for channel 63.)Allocates or deallocates as many bandwidth allocation units as specified.

Returns channel < 0 if no channel was allocated or deallocated.Returns bandwidth = 0 if no bandwidth was allocated or deallocated.

If generation is stale, deallocations succeed but allocations fail withchannel = -EAGAIN.

If channel allocation fails, no bandwidth will be allocated either.If bandwidth allocation fails, no channel will be allocated either.But deallocations of channel and bandwidth are tried independentlyof each other’s success.

Firewire (IEEE 1394) driver Interface Guide — The Linux Kernel  documentation (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.