Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Lafayette, Indiana

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4 LAAYETTE JOURNAL ANO COURIER 5 ATTICA The a years If DOUGLAS AIRBANKS in or With Bebe Daniels 4000000 police (Continued from page one) Purdue Radio are roll WABC New 860 (CBS Chain) Harding Ann With Mary Astor Robert Starting Tomorrow INE RUGS mfr Clinton Haslett Com trouble WJAX WDA KHQ KTAR holes were the truck mall being Republic Moorehead Chalmers: WADC WREC KMOX WADC WSPD WDSU wccu KJ WXYZ WBM KLRA As a Wall Street wizard adventur ing in a 20th The One Woman in The World JVho Never Grew Old Telia Radio Lis teners More of Her Secrete of Beauty Health and Diet Watch your local chain programs Porto Rico was acquired Spain after he Spanish Virgin Den BIG to be used in which were two bills the so called mini passengers Relatives of the man said he not infrequentlyrled passengers on his trips contract mall driver olks were high The production will be re Tuesday night at 8:30 in St auditorium Same as WABC Sleepy PTog Amos Andy 10:15 Sponsored Prog Dan A Sylvia DX Club Dance (3 hrs) statisticians returns to see how much income of the nation to In the last year In a preliminary report Is night returns received i or 1'Jbo DAYTON Ind March cial) Joel David Combs a farmer living three miles northeast of htere was found dead In the bam ad joining his home at 5 this evening Death was evidently due to a sudden attack of heart failure He had been ailing from trftuhtafar anmo timb Hunter coroner of Clinton xounty to halt concern It was A lashing Wall street matching wits lionalres Ing through thrills risking lette On Jan 4 devil may care marketeer with mil llacing romp countless everything for the love of a girl he had seen but once! Mo William Ind James Guy Odell is investigating The deceased was the son of Joel and Sarah £jJane Combs And was born near Lafayette in Octo ber 1861' On March 7 1889 he united in marriage with Grace Bums who preceded him in death 25 years ago He was a member of the United Brethren church of Liberty Chapel Surviving are the following rela Two daughters Mrs Davis Akron Ohio and Alices at home two sons Charles Combs Mulberry and Jacob Combs at home one brother Jacob Combs Lafayette Rural Route 4 WADC WLAP WDSU WCCO KLRA WNAX KOIL WIBW KH ago Surviving are the sons and daughters: home: Mrs Van Thomp or of Evansville Sweeney of funeral will the WBAA broadcast for Monday evening: Prof Haskins of the mechanical engineering de partment will speak on the sub ject Progress" over station WBAA Monday night at 7 The musical part of the pro gram will consist of popular mu sic by Miller Welch and his or chestra Machine guns trained from the frowning gray walls of the anti quated prison kept order within the enclosure where Saturday noon there was turmoil and the sharp bark of rifles But as the legislators appointed originally to investigate the death solitary" of Convict Joseph Coakley started through the cells blocks bedlam broke but Inmates shrieked invective and hissed de risively The myterious prison by which news Is passed from convict to convict was be lieved by officials to have spread tidings of the unrest to the new Stateville prison across the town The guard was augmented there WEAPONS DISAPPEAR In nearby cities the Illinois National Guard was on call ready to rush troops in event of another outbreak The disappearance of butcher knives meat choppers table knives and other kitchen utensils from the kitchen and mess hall wrecked by the prisoners Saturday gave aaaea cause ror pointed out they must be hidden in various cells event' of another riot Representative Roger Little of Champaign chairman of the leg islative committee said he would call another meeting Tuesday In Springfield to formulate plans for an Immediate and thorough in vestigation at Joliet next Thurs day At that time it is planned to take testimony from the prison authorities the guards and the prisoners SEEK RIOT CAUSE The committee which in addi tion to Little is composed of Bray of Litchfield William Thon and Michael Igoe pf Chicago and Harry McCaskrin of Rock Island spent most of the day in conference with Warden Henry Hill Director Rodney Brandon of the state department of public welfare and Col rank Whlpp state superintendent of prisons There was an secret session from which no news came "We Little said "to de termine if possible the cause of the riot so as to later make rec ommendations to prevent a repe tition" Representative McCaskrin added the committee might want look into the effect of the mutiny upon the state board of pardons and paroles IMPRISONED TOO LONG "It has been he as serted "that the parole board might exercise Its power and re lease some of men I think some of them have been her too long" The 1100 convicts who par ticipated in the riot and the other 600 inmates were compelled to do without food 1 because of the wrecked kitchen until noon Sunday Those who did not mutiny weremarched in a bread 'line under heavy guard into an improvised mess Efforts were being made to feed the others in their cells WKRC WAIU WXYZ WREC WLAC WBRC WBM WGL WBBM KMBC KLRA KOIL Tony Cabooch Also WOOD WREC WDSU Trespassers ined Joe Davis 50 Will Green 54and Herbert Betty 34 colored ar i rested by the police for trespass I on Wabash railroad property pleaded guilty before Justice James Porter late Saturday Each was fined $1 and costs amounting to Sil 50 None was able to pay his fine Saturday Alleged Speakeasies Are Raided by Police The police raided two alleged speakeasies operated by women Saturday' night and reported con fiscating at both places At the home of Mrs Mary Kee 40 at 1608 Hart street the au thorities reported finding three bot tles of and at the home of Lucille Koebler 39 at 410 North ifth street the police said they found 132 pints of home brew most of which was destroyed Both Women gained their release on bonds The raids were led by Police Captain Edgar A Hill as sisted by Officers Goldsberry Har rison Holladay Sewell and Clark It is the second offense for Mrs Kee She paid a fine of $100 and costs amounting to $130 and re ceived a suspended sentence of 30 days in jail on Oct 21 1930 on her plea of guilty to a charge of possession of liquor MARY ANN HASLETT DIES AT ROSSVILLE ROSSVILLE Ind March (Special) Mrs Mary Ann Haslett 73 wife of James Haslett living four miles southeast of Rossville died at the family home at 3:15 clock Saturday afternoon plications following heart caused her death Born in Owen township countv June 4 1857 Mrs was a daughter of Harrison and Elizabeth (Skiles) Gochenour She married Noah Metzger and after his death she married Mr Haslett on March 26 1885 Mrs Hazlett was a member of the Rossville Church of the Breth ren Besides the husband she is survived by three daughters and one son: Mrs Miller West Milton Ohio Mrs Walter Raber Hillside Ariz Mrs Ellen Hollin ger Mcarland Cal and Lloyd Haslett of Rossville She also leaves 12 grandchildren a sister and two brothers: Mrs Eliza Huf ford Rossville Isaac and Amos Gochenour near Rossville uneral services will con ducted from the family home Tues day afternoon at 2 The Rev I Beery of the Rossville Church of the Brethren will offi ciate assisted by the Rev I Washington Burton of the Presby Iterlan church burial in Rossville WTAM WWJ WGN KSD WOC WOW WSAI WDA KSTP WHAS WSM WMC WSB KPRC WJAX WAA WOAI WKY KOA KSL KGO KGW KI KOMO KHQ Sherlock Holmes Also WWJ WTAM WSAI WGN WOC Rhythm Makers Also WTAM WWJ WDA WMC WJDX WGY 10:00 lorence Orch Also WOW WSAI WJDX WMC WSB KSD WSM 10:30 Orch Also WWJ KSD WOW WDA KSTP WEBC WTAM KOA WIOD WAP1 Spltalny's Orch (1 hr) Also KYW KSD WMC 11:00 Sherlock Holmes (Repeat) Only to KGO KGW KOMO KHQ KSD KTAR KOA KSL KI WASHINGTON March 15 (AP) President Hoover waa look ing forward today to a ten day rest in the warm climate of the Caribbean sea" He plans to sail from Norfolk Wednesday or Thurs day on the battleship Arizona for a visit to Porto Rico and the Vir gin islands With the exception' of conferences on administrative problems with Governors Theodore Roosevelt jr of Porto Rico and Paul Pear son of the Virgin islands the trip will be devoted to rest and re laxation 1 4 Mrs Hoover not accompany the president but will go to Ashen ville to visit her son Her bert Hoover jr who is recuper ating from illness Secretary Hurley under whose supervision Porto Rico is governed and possibly Secretary Wilbur who has charge of the Virgin islands will accompany the president Law rence Richey a White House sec retary probably will be the only other official member of the party SHIP OVERHAULED The Arizona will carry Hoover south on her first trip after a year in dry dock being recondi tioned She must have at least ten trial run at sea before being placed back' into active serv ice 'v The ship was scheduled to sail on Tuesday but the trial will postponed as President Hoover has a dinner engagement at the White House that night He will go by train to Norfolk Wednesday or Thursday to board her This week's trip will be the sec ond time Mr Hoover has turned southward since assuming office He spent seven days ashing in lorida waters a year ago Porto Rico and the Virgin islands are the most Important insular possessions in the Carib bean from American war and the islands were purchased from mark Stolen Auto ound I The ord auto of Robert John son of West Point which was stolen in West Point last Thursday night has been found at Delphi according to word received by the local 413 15 17 Main St Arch Support Shoes $5 and $6 to Two Edged while in the will be dealt of the Eternal the Catholic Crpnt ana Hay Day ah tho nori oh and fribnHc are cordially invited to these ser vices 9:00 Rochester Orch Also KDKA KYW KWK WREN WEBC WJAX WHAS WSM WMC WSB WSMB WOAI KOA KPRC KGO KI WCKY KGW KHQ KOMO WJDX WJR KTAR KSD WAP1 WKY WGAR Empire Builders Also KDKA WJR WLW KYW KWK WREN WTMJ WOAI KSTP WEBC KOA KSL KGO KECA KOMO KGW KHQ KTAR KSD WKY WBAP KPRC WGAR 10:00 Slumber Hour Also KWK Amos Andy Only to WMAQ KWK WREN WDA WTMJ KECA KSL WHAS WSM WSB WKY WENR KSTP WSMB WJDX KTHS KPRC WEBC WOAI WMC KOA KAB WBAP KGO KOMO KHQ KGW KSD 11:00 Danes Hour Also KAB WREN WGAR WJR itentiary shortly after he had an nounced the death of a second con vict from wounds inflicted by guards duting riot of 1100 rebellious prisoners our convicts were shot two fatally and a captain of guards suffered a broken arm in the uprising Whitmeyer was caught carrying letters to and from pris said the warden have these letters convict brought to my "bffiee by Deputy Warden Erickson said Chaplain Whitmeyer wae telling the prisoners what this place needs is a damn good This testi mony was given me about January 29 Prison rules require that any information gained from convicts be backed up by other evidence and concrete evidence has been Warden Hili was taken ill mean while and while he was in a Chi cago hospital the "secret asked that Chaplain Whitmeyer be dismissed and at the order of Waren Col rank Whlpp state superintendent of prisons asked his resignation Evangeline Adame Also WHK WDOD WISN KMOX iVSPD WMAQ WMT KMOX KMBC KOIL KJ KRLD KTRH Topice In Brief Only WHK WGST WXYZ WSPD WDSU WOWO WMAQ WCCO KMBC KOIL KJ WRR Baiershop Also WHK WKRC WXYZ WSPD WBM WMAQ WCCO KMOX EBO WALLACE HOPPER PRESCRIPTIONS Given Prompt Attention The Hogan Drug Co 115 East Side Sauare Phone 5C33 Kidnaping Ohly TV'' 5 Runaway otory TTii he rt RelnnoT' 1 nf nwlfii told local police Sunday night a thrilling tale of how he had been kidnaped in owler earlier in the day and forced by two men to ride with them to near Lebanon where they threw him out of their car lie later admitted that he had faked the story after de ciding to run away from home The 'youth appeared at the Dave Shew barbecue east of the city on Road 52 and there told his story Police were no tified and Officer Paul Clark went after the' boy Belange stayed at police headquarters ail 'night and was placed on 'a bus uound for his home in owler Monday morning or Tuesday March 17 By GENEVIEVE KEMBLE AVERY lively and injresting dayjs the presage made from the predominant lumar con figurations Under high mental stimulus and the energies quick ened with Jupiter under most pro pitious influence it is a time for pushing to high goals with every prospect of advancement financial profit and generally propitious con ditions for 'turthering the happiness and progress of life But be on guard aguinat duplicity or subtlety Those whose birthday it is are the threshold of a year of large opportunity and achievement The mental outlook will be large the faculties quickened and the ambi tions keen All should be pushed to high accomplishment but be on guard against subtlety fraud and treachery A child born on this day should be strong in mind and energies quickwitted popular am bitious and able to undertake impor tant enterprises but it should be in culcated in ways of principle rather than expediency in gaining its ends and A i fl a sX 4 1 wnere tney ness provide "funds for meeting rnoir nmno I nft noLe xne 8ululr cuuiueuon I tion loans and interest on ine public debt i While treasury officials expect the 1930 business depression will decrease tax receipts internal rev enue bureau will watch the the total amounted 1929 said sued last ASK JOLIET (Continued from page oe) in Modern Dress HOOVER JD SPEND CRUISING $4 3 HOLIDAY Vagabonds 10 A rtists WEA 750 Musical Orchestra 7:00 Melody Men WJZ (2H hrs) 10:00 Variety (2 hrs) 1160 WABC (Hi hrs) Memory Teasers 10:00 Organ Melodies 810 Dinner Concert Sama as WABC The Brothers Same as WABC i WCCO Club Spare Tire Stolen A spare tire on the auto of Cliarles Held of Rural Route 7 was stolen between 8 and 8:30 Saturday night while the car was parked on Alabama street between Sixth and Seventh ac cording to a report to the police Retired armer Near Linden Answers Call LINDEN Ind March 16 (Spe cial) Isaac Whitecotton 84 re tired farmer died Sunday morn ing at 3 at the family home two and one half miles southeast of here Mr Whitecot ton had been in ailing health two years but seriously ill only a week He was born in Virginia in 1846 His wife preceded him in death 30 years following Perry at son and Mrs Glenn Sparger Linden Warner and Mrs Bessie Crawfordsville The be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2 from the residence with the Rev Zenor of Darling ton officiating: burial in Linden cemetery Daughter Is Bom Mr and Mrs Howard Western of Pine Village are the parents of a daughter born at the Home hospital Sunday morning World Also WSAI KSD WOW KOA KGO WWJ WSB WOAI KECA KGW KOMO KTAR KSD 6:30 Careless Love Also WGY In the Capltafl Also WSAI WSMB WJDX WOAI KGO KOMO KSD KOA KECA Business? Also KSD WWJ KOMO WSAI WJDX KGO KVOO KECA WHAS WEBC WSMB KGW Kirsn KSL WMC WOC WIOD 7:15 Novelty Orch Also WTAM WSAI KYW WHAS WSM WMC WSB WEBC WIOD WSMB WJDX WKY KTHS WAA VOAl WHAS 7:30 Hour by Gypsies Orchestra Also WGY WWJ WSAI WGN KSD WOC WDA WTAM WOW The amily Party Also WGY TUNE IN (Cut Out Thia Schadula) Every TttMe Thur KYW CMaro1t0 PM Evwy Wed rt WCNChlearo IrOO DISTINCTIVE OOTWEAR Shoes oot Saver Shoes ANDERSON WARD BOOT SHOP 614 Main Street A thrillina romance of love youth hot blood grit' and against it great wealth! Also Chapter No 3 A Story of the Secret Service 8:30 An Evening in Paria Also WADC WHK WKRC WXYZ WSPD WDSU WOWO WBBM WCCO KMOX KMBC KOIL KJ KRLD KLZ KDYL KOL KPY KOIN KHJ KRC 9:00 Guy Orch AIM WADC WHK WKRC WXYZ WSPD WOWO WBM WMAQ WCCO KMOX KMBC KOIL KJ KRLD KTRH KTSA KLZ KDYL KOL KPY KOIN The Only WADC WHK WKRC WSPD WISN WBBM WCCO KSCJ WMT WDAY WNAX KOIL KLZ KDYL KOL KPY KOIN KHJ KRC Morton Downey Also WXYZ BCM WDOD WREC WLAC WBRC WDSU WISN WTAQ WBM WCCO KSCJ KMOX KMBC KLRA WNAX KH KJ KTRH KTSA KLZ KDYL Heywood Broun Also WXYZ WBCM WDOD WREC WLAC WBRC WDSU WISN WTAQ WBM WCCO KSCJ KMOX KMBC KBRA WNAX KH KJ KTRH KTSA KLZ KDYL 10:30 Ben Bernie Orchestra Also WADC WHK WXYZ WBCM WDOD WREC WLAC WBRC WDSU WISN WTAQ WBM WCCO KSCJ KMBC KLRA WNAX KOIL KH KJ KTRH KTSA WAqO KLZ KDYL KOL LAST TIMES TODAY Amos Also KDKA WJAX WIOD WCKY WLW WJR WGAR The Jesters Also WREN KDKA WGAR WJAX WIOD Phil Cook Also WOAI KPRC WJDX KTHS WJAX WHAS WSM WMC WSB WSMB KDKA WREN KWK WTMJ WEBC KOA KSL WGAR KGO KI KGW KOMO KHQ KTAR Theater Program Also KWK WSB KAB WIBO WGAR KOA 7:30 Balalaika Orch Also WJR i KDKA WLW KYW WREN KAB Victor Young Also KDKA WJR KWK KYW WREN KSTP WEBC WKY WOAI KOA KSL KGW KHQ KOMO KVOO fc WLW WAA KPRC WGAR KDKA Real olks Also KDKA WLW KWK KYW WREN WJR laaaer operation from which he did not rally I HocbncnH wna Pinnr nsnr this city IsDayton Nov 13 1853 a son of the Wabash William and Eunice Royal Most Decatur HI Inf hi iif 1 was LRUAnt' in th a treatment for vicinity of Dayton and in Lafay 1876 he was went to Dan married to Mary Elia Cole in ville Saturday and entered Lake Rensselaer who died eb 8 1930 view hospital where she will have Mr Royal was a farmer and later a cist removed from her lower a traveling salesman Seventeen jaw bone years ago the family moved to Surviving four daughters has beenattorney or the receiver Pearle Royali Mrs lorence of the armers Merchants State loyd anJ Mrg Denlson of bank of hndlanapoHs and Mrs Jud has announced his resignation as I on of Loa Angeles Calif threeach attorney as of Teb 28 sisters Mrs rances Wade anddBethe! Community Circle met Mrs william rantz Lafayette Thursday afternoon March 12 at and Mrg Ella Bush Urbana Ill the home of Mrs Mort HogstrumwRh a brother James A Royal with Mrs Goldie Johnson as assist of Traverse City Mich ant hostess In the absence of the I president Mrs Celestial Leath took funeral services will be heM at huoMtlon tuary Indianapolis Wednesday hv afternoon at 2 with inter and refreshments were served by prown jjill cemeterv the hostesses The April meeting tnere ln Lrown nm cemetery will be held April 9 with Miss Grace Earl at her home "The 1UIRQ QTT? A HDT Miss Luella Westring will USAJY VJUPuLLi be assistant hostess I DIES AT CHALMERS Monday aftenwon CHALMERS Ind March wHb xtrl vvRnnbeli1 Mrs Elisha Odell died The riendship 1 this afternoon at home of her son James Odell of the horn of Mrs MaJ Chalmers following a two Douglas 307 East Main street The ess of flu Her maider name birthday dinner will be carried out as at Delnh? Tnd Jan 8 1849 with St Patrick day features born at Delphi Ind Jan 8 1849 Mrs Earl Watkins of West Leb 8n The family anon is a patient in Cuiver Union became residents of White county hospital at Urawfordsville Tjbere 3Q years ag0 an(i for the past 15 she wdl undergo an operation for yearfJ Mrg Oden had maae her gall duct trouble home with her tson She was a Claypool of Shawnee town member of the Christian church ship was in Attica riday He is Surviving are four sons rank just recovering iruui a nuwi Odell ness Odell A rank White went Onarga Odell iak CENTRAL CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS 1020 Charlie MURRAY George SIDNEY The Laughter Team That Be Beat in the Laugh Picture of the I With Everything XXTTT irTWIYW 1 K' AP) ive county officers mis took a mall truck for a rum run ners today: a gjm battle in which the truck driver and a deputy sheriff werb slain Leopold Roberts 28 of Wilming ton a driver under 'government contract and Deputy Starl ing 35 one 1 of the raiding party were the victims of the ghastly error of early morning Sheriff John Morris of New Hanover county speaking for the deputies who themselves declined comment said the five raiders had set out on a police tip that a load 1 41UUV1 nao uciug JUD lUVV rl (City5 They mistook the mail truck urL yv runner and called on the 'Sr 'L Monday EveningMarcK 193 A RUG SHOP 611 Main St ARMER IS OUND DEAD IN HIS BARN Mission Opened at St Boniface Church Qnrvinac a fr Rnn I ci a hnlin I church were largely attended I Sunday night marking the open 1 ing or a mission conducted by the Rev Ernest Ott and Rev Adalbert Harrington ranciscan missionary priests The services during this week will be for women while next week they will be for men Topics for the morning services are to Sin" Story and to Succeed' the evening at 7:30 o'clock' following subjects with: End Big Trail" "Why Church Woman' ladies of tl WADC WISN KMBC Opara Also WADC WHK WKRC WAIU WXYZ WBCM WSPD WREC WLAC WBRC WDSU WTAQ WO WO WBM WMAQ WJJD WCCO KSCJ WMT KMOX KMBC KOIL WIBW KH KJ WRR KTRH KLZ Leo Reisman Also WHK WXYZ WBCM WSPD WDOD WREC WLAC WBRC WISN WOWO WBM WMAQ KSCJ WMT KMOX KMBC xvnav KJ KRLD KTRH KTSA KLZ KDYL KOL KPY KOIN KHJ WJZ New 760 (NBC Chain) Corn Growers Receive went to the gov State Medals Tonight for a permanent clerk of the ci Jackson township arm Bureau to be the regis' wil1 ineet Monday evening at the tration officer assisted by town st nooi ounaing ana win nave as a ship assessors If a voter had not special featuie a discussion of I A 1 aaa 1 4 Av 1az4 Vast an election had BeTaYr and Ira Meharry that the reg Indna automatically can ton medals will be awarded 1 A L'j I ft ft A nr ft A KA thr ft 1 ft ft eat yield in the county last year ec I An rl VilrrVi xriol4 wo a nrnrlncn1 hv onrt hod thaivi11 imku the Ilndiana League Reuben Ellis of Lauramie town St kO: Tne 7C0 x446 870 Variety Same WJZ ioaZvbdnn jMrU Theater Proff ml hrs ArtUts' Same as WJZ San6 as WABCf' Variety (2H hrs) 7 :30 rSa mli as WABCvv yn VV HO 1000 if Cr Briens woe low Sama as WABC Historical Satires Spot sored Prog Same as WEA REGISTRATION ART GDES IN DISCARD 1 INDIANAPOLIS March The permanent registration bill and sixteen other measures adopted by the recent general assembly died at midnight last night when Gov ernor Harry 3 Leslie failed to sign tnem the other bills were "pocket vetoed janor mum wage scale bill and the anti labor injunction bill1 As the deadline for signing measures approached Governor Leslie approved a bill which pro tects persons Injured in accidents or their heirs in cases where the motorist is insolvent but insured The governor issued a state ment explaining his action on the permanent registration bill In his message to the legislature he had said: "Indiana should have a workable sound and 'simplified system for the registration of voters I do not hold with those who seek to burden the taxpayers with a costly unwieldly and elaborate registration in volving? all the complevlttes out lays and machinery of a general election There can be no doubt as to the need for an honest reg istration as a preventative of fraud at our elections" The statement cited his legis lative message and said proposed bill fails to meet this recommendation I can not see my way clear to burden the en tire state with a highly expen sive registration law in order to meet the situation in a few con gested areas of the state proposed registration law would also work in direct contravention of one of the best acts of tlie last past legislature which pro hibits any Increase in the budgets of 1931 and 1932 over that of The bill as it ernor provided' registration The cult court was tration officer Oil kf IL a WLvl IlCXtl uUt I A cast a ballot within a period jrf topics of local Interest led by Steve I Uiinvan i nzi a es two been held In 4 ft 4 ft ft 4" A ft nm rv loiiatiuu ao aui vuaiivaD uau( celed and he would be required Ud Stafford who had he high I ft ri ftl 4 4 ft 4 ft ft ftfttft4 I ft a nmnft ft 'll ft ft ft ft a a The bill was a democratic state ljeln 9655 bushels rxl a a a a a knnrl 4 support of the Ilndiana League Reuben Ellis of Lauramie town of Women Voters and similar or ship whose yield was only 05 of ganlzatlons a hushel lower James Crumbaker will also receive a medal for his yield of 95 bushels Prohi Riders" Mistake MailiTffick for Liquor Runner2 Men Killed uj RftRRRN SEA WILMINGTON' March 15 dent riday and fortunately he es caped with slight injuries Mr Shuppert stopped on Road 41? near Hill in Warren countv and flndine he was out of ATTICA Ind March (Spe gas took a five gallon can and Andy Shonkwiler driving a filled the tank of the truck While ordcoupe Miss Joy ''Cooper he was engaged in filling up the driving a Chevrolet car' collided tank he was struck by a passing at the cross roads near the Albert automile and thrown a distance of Cobb farm riday evening about 6 several feeL In i the fall he frac o'clock Both machines were badly tured a rib and sustained cuts and smashedjup a the occupants were bruises Despite his injuries Mr injured" Mr Shonkwiler deceiving Shupper was able to drive his truck three broken ribs and Miss Cooper I hack to Artica The driver of the suffering several cuts and bruises I passing car i said he was reading Mr and Mrs Peter Slnersal sign at the side of the road and the parents of daughter born dld not see Mr Shuppert standing riday March 6 at their home in jo the side of his truck Warren county She has beenf 1 named Betty Marie" The little girl SAMUEL Tj ROYAL was born on the 51st birthday of her grandfather Charles Adams" DEAD AT CAPITAL Mrs Dennison 'leceivedj word riday of the death of her Samuel Royal native of Tip father in law William Dennison jecanoe county former who died at his home in Lawrence of Lafajtt died at 640 ville Ill at the age of 83 years clock Monday fornlng at the Mrs Dennison and Mr and Mrs JJhodlst hospital Indianapolis rank Irwin went to Lawrenceville Sunday to attend the funeral at city Mr Royal took ill Sun Dennison who is now located morning and at 11 a un a err 1 1 lainon nnorarinn in Lexington Ky win meet nisi wife at Lawrenceville John Rutledge of arranging to enter railroad hospital at where he will take eye trouble Mrs Mary" Shewey a 442 A 110 11 it Cl L1UJ VUL11I Ill riday and brought his son Brookston 11 grandchildren and Gordon home for a week end visit two great grandchildren Gordon is attending military school uneral' services will be held at at Onarga James Odell residence Tues McClafflin of Hoopeston day afternoon and interment will was a business visitor in Attica made jn the Masonic cemetery riday I at Delohi Mrs George Baker of Winthrop I was shopping in Attica jrlday a a tt Mrs Day of Judyville was CLARA HLACK 7o in Attica riday Her husband twz tat? a mvr has been ill with the flu for the 1AK11JN JD I DEA 1 past week Clara Black 78 died at' 8:45 Earl Whitsell mail carrier at Sunday morning at Home Independence is back on the job hospital where she was taken ri after having been ill for a week jay after suffering a stroke of Morgan carried the mail dur paralysis She had been making ing his illness her home at the Stockton house Mrs Albert McCauley of New The deceased was born in Adams town' has suffered a relapse and county Pennsylvania or many is again quite ill years she was a resident of the Herbert Campbell of Newtown home She was a member was an Attica visitor riday of the Trinity Lutheran church Paul Mcarland of Minneapolis uneral services will be held at son in law of Mr and Mrs 1 2 Tuesday afternoon at the Myers of Williamsport is improv soidiers' jhome chapel Rev Ing after having been very ill fol stollendorf officiating assisted by olwing an appendix operation Rev Charles Harper Ynterment Walter Bridges of Greenfield wm made in the Soldiers' home field man for the state tax com cemetery The body may be viewed mission was in this locality Thurs at Templeton funeral home from day noon Monday until time of services rtev ana Jirs natry rseiiy have returned to their home at Independence after a six stay With relatives at Albany Rev Berry has recovered rom his se vere illness and is able to take charge of his work as pastor of Baje of ponds and certificates of the churches at Independence indebtedness and the retirement and Riverside of obligations Mrs Eunice Thompson has re closej of business on turned to her home in Attica after jfarch 12 the government had a spending a week at the home at defic)t of $420235531 having col her son Bert Thompson in Wil lected $2165902275 and spent llamsport while her granddaugh $2586137806 or the fiscal year teL ad the measles starting last July 1 income taxes Mr and Mrs Raymond ay have dropped $55000000 Miscel returned to their home near Inde aneous tax internal revenue re pendence after having spent the as0 dropped totaling $397 wlnter Rh Vern Benson In the qooooo as compared with $434000 same vicinity QOO in the same 'period of the pre OftvAlJ Mnrh Tndnnanl 1 xjrciic diuiuu vx jjvijj vioua fiScai year ence Is critically ill He was first whI th mcorne taxes stricken with pneumonia ana in the treasury will pay off brain fever deveioped His family 1109000)00() in maturing 3 per have little hope of his recovery cent treasury nbtes and will sell HiT ftv TP ftl ftwvTA nnH cinror 1T ra I 0 $1519000000 in bonds YDftftftT vA ft ft nr rl ft a net'O roriimon 1 4 CCDiaU JYUU ICO DU1V i from Lewistown ill 11 nffAnrtoS a funeral thfilT Mrs Ray Plunkett Mrs riunKett was before her marriage Laura Barco daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Barco John Debrueicker was in Lafay ette op business riday Truman ix has received word from his sister Mrs Rich ardson who is in the hospital in Detroit under treatment for serious throat trouble that she must un dergo a second operation on her 'n flrRt 8 throat showed the total net income of Ed Murphy has returned home individual taxpayers amounted to from a trip through the south $24519296977 an increase of $151 Mrs Slaughter of Bertres Nog over the same period of visiting her son the prevlous yeftr Slaughter and wife I More persons? filed returns In Mrs Elmer Slifer at Independ than in 1928 and the number ence was in Attica shopping yes Of those having net incomes of $1 terday 000000 or more Increased i from James King sr celebrated his 495 in first eight months of 1 69th birthday riday 1928 to 504 in the same period of 1 nouerv a iviiiiigeui wao uu wu 1 1929 i town riday after having been ill for the past week 1 Mrs Lottie Harvey of Independ LAST ence is very ill of pneumonia Jpk Gilmer Haworth of Pine Vil TIMES lage Charles Cronk of Veeders todav lktivcr Canro'A iiAt lotrAin Af KhPW I i nee township Peter Pycke of Lo gan James Cline and Alex Mere dith of Warren county were trans acting business in Attica Saturday Mrs Eva f'Hlll and guest Sllga Sable havef returned home from Danville where they visited the sister Mrs Bert Yeager Mary Elizabeth Lyons has re turned home Anderson where she was the guest of Miss Helen Justice Before going to Ander son Miss Lyons went to Indianapo lis to attend the state luncheon and dance of the Phi Omega Phi sorority at the Lincoln hotel Mr and Mrs rank Simms attended the funeral of Dan Simms in Lafayette Dan Simms was a cousin of rank Simms Mrs Edward Watkins residing near Green Hill was ta sud 1 denly ill Thursday Albert McCahan and sister Mrs Philip Mann of Green" Hill were in Attica ridi7 Mrs Zilliah Van Reed returned home riday from Hoopeston Ill where she' visited her sister Mrs Laura McClaflln Mrs Edna Moore residing on Bond street reports the theft of chickens from her hen house Clarence Shuppert driver of a gasoline truck met with an i acci MONDAY MARCH 16 fBy Tha Associated Press) Programi In Central Standard Time unless otherwise Indicate WEA Naw York 660 (NBC Chain) NOW Instead Roberts jumped from the truck" Sheriff Morris said and opened fire Starling was wounded twice and dropped The fire was returned and Roberts was over with fotur shots in his body Both men died before they could be taken to a hospital An inquest was called and ad journed until later tonight ewspapermen estimated be tween 10 and 12 shots were fired in the battle Six bullet counted in the rear of which was loaded with brought from Goldsboro to Wilm ington The deputies said Roberts fired five times In the truck' with Roberts were three Wilmington girls Subpoe naed as witnesses at 'the inquest they told the authorities they were riding Roberts as aeaa car as Hibernian Auxiliary Comedy Is Popular A packed house greeted the first presentation of "College Scamp a three act comedy spon sored by the auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Sunday evening in the St Ann school auditorium Specialty num bers and a clever "kiddie act "The wee lights peated Li' Il 91 '4 EtaM rM tfl ft I til fl oBa Kii ifl I I 9 I v' wx I 71 x'7 jeNT 1 If BeBb 1 i i HI I 44 I Li i century xA A romance 'A He Wanted TodaY I His Wife All and Tomorrow i the lime sSi ne naa Mine Ideas i Ames iihega JLJ i I c9 Mi Vi' TlAHY' I wirw EDMUND Jkf LOWE 7S IV LEILA 1 a A TQUVB heard of 9of A ow a 'golf widowerl Chuckles Laughs Roars! i Ml tX ft ft 1 "a 5" A.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.